Diplomatic Activities and Events

We assist small foreign missions in planning and organizing cultural activities, national day events, and the likes.

Ad-hoc/interim staff

We cover as ad-hoc/interim staff during staff vacations, leaves, and when there are vacant positions.

Official and Business Delegate Visit

We assist small foreign missions in planning and organizing visits of official and business delegates

Who we are

HBHL is registered with the Nigerian Cooperate Affairs Commission on 9 November 2017- RC Number 1452007.

We mentor individuals and employees of all cadre to acquire requisite skills and a high level of professionalism and excellence in various endeavours and career paths.

More About Us

To be the foremost global mentor of individuals and employees of all cadre.
We are the leading platform for virtual and onsite mentorship programs in Africa.


Mentees Speak

Let’s Get in Touch

We are interested in helping
you build a successful
professional career
through our diplomatic
mentorship programs