
Ernest Chisom

In May 2023, I embarked on a transformative journey with the HEDDA’s Diplomatic Career Mentorship Center, a beacon of excellence for aspirants in political and economic affairs, policy, research, and international observation. Engaging with seasoned professionals and industry experts during the session redefined my understanding of global dynamics and underscored the significance of astute diplomatic prowess in shaping the world stage. Immersed in an environment pulsating with intellectual fervor, the mentors at HEDDA’S instilled in me a profound sense of responsibility and commitment to fostering knowledge exchange. 

 As I absorbed their insights and imbibed the nuances of effective communication and strategic decision-making, a burgeoning desire to give back to my community began to take root. Inspired by the transformative impact of the program, I sought to extend the benefits to aspiring minds within the academic realm. Motivated by the vision of empowering the next generation, I orchestrated a dynamic workshop which was titled “ HEDDA’S Diplomatic Career Skills Workshop” for university students, meticulously tailored to equip them with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of higher education and future career paths. Guided by the principles espoused at HEDDA’S, I endeavored to foster an environment conducive to fostering critical thinking, honing research skills, and nurturing a global perspective. Through interactive sessions and collaborative exercises, I endeavored to impart not just knowledge but also a sense of purpose and direction.
As I reflect upon my journey with the HEDDA’s Diplomatic Career Mentorship Center, I am deeply grateful for the profound impact it has had on my personal and professional growth. Empowered with a new-found zeal to facilitate transformative change, I am committed to paying it forward and nurturing a generation of dynamic, conscientious leaders poised to make a meaningful difference in the world.
Thank You HDCMC!!!
Written by Ernest Chisom ( HEDDA’S Mentee 2023 May session)

Oluwadamilola Ajiboye

My experience with the HEDDA’s Diplomatic Career Mentorship program can be traced far back to February 2022 and still counting.

This program provided me with the opportunity to learn from an experienced professional in my field. While I was still studying Political science and International Relations I have always wondered what I could do with a degree aside from Politics but when I came across HEDDAS I got to realize that a lot is waiting for me out there in the international sector. We discussed a variety of topics related to my career goals and development and I gained valuable insights and knowledge from my mentors ranging from Skills, Diplomatic correspondence, CV writing how to be interviewed, and lots more. I was able to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, and Mrs Hope Ayabina provided me with resources and guidance to help me grow. Through HEDDAS I was opportune to intern at the Embassy of Mexico in Nigeria for a period of 4months and with this internship, I gained valuable and lifetime experience. I also got the opportunity to be part of the Diplomatic visit listening to Diplomats and Ambassadors share their career journey. I will recommend HEDDA’s to everyone anytime any day.

Eberechi Wisdom

HEDDA’s Diplomatic Workshop was one of the best decisions I made this 2023
I Joined the HEDDA’s Diplomatic Career Mentorship program in October 2023, I participated in the diplomatic Career skills workshop. 

Before joining this program, I was uncertain about the career path I wanted to follow, given the circumstances, I believed I had just three options, either I become a diplomat, a lecturer, or forfeit this path entirely to begin a whole new journey completely, but after this session, I became aware of the millions of opportunity that I could access and the flexibility of the degree I’m currently pursing. I was able not only to discover the path that works best for me but I was able to also develop my skills in certain areas such as:
1. My Writing Skills: I can now write Diplomatic Correspondence well and I know when to write which one
2. Networking Skills: Networking is an integral part of intentional relations and the last assignment allowed me to leave my comfort zone and network. And I met amazing people in this workshop
3. Mediation: From the session on Mediation and Negotiation, I was able to get practical advice on how it is done.
Thank you HEDDA’s
Thank you Mrs Hope Ayabina
Written by Omotolani Deborah Amigun.( HEDDA’S Mentee, October 2023 session)

Omotolani Deborah Amigun

My encounter with HEDDA’s was divinely arranged I would say and the experience so far has been transformative.

I got to hear about HEDDA’s from Dami, at a sister’s picnic, interesting isn’t it? Growing up, I wanted to venture into different career pathways, from a Surgeon to a counselor, a teacher, and finally an ambassador but I did not have an idea of what was needed to strive in a work environment. That’s where HEDDA’s comes in; I’ve learned about work ethics, the skill set needed to work in a diplomatic sector and the different job roles available. With HEDDA’s you’ll become confident and well-learned because of the variety of mentors who dedicate their time to share their knowledge. I’m glad I met Mrs. Hope Ayabina and just like her, I’ve decided to excel.

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you build a successful
professional career
through our diplomatic
mentorship programs